More than 100 people have been won over by the BETA version!

We'll soon be releasing video testimonials from our MYHOOXY before and after testers.

Among the big winners at Web Summit 2021

Bootcamp Web Summit

The best deep tech innovators

CES 2021 Las Vegas: 17 startups from the southern region

EuropiA institute prize


Read articles about MYHOOXY

France 3 Las vegas
France 3 région: startups selected at CES LA
La tribune
La Tribune: Sensonria Analytics takes an interest in your health
Maison de la metropole
Maison de la métropole: Nice Côte d'Azur interview
StqrtUp 3
Startup 3: top innovators prodcast English
BPI Sud-Ouest: Sensoria Analytics watches over your heart
Tribuca Objectif Monde for MyDataModels and Sensoria Analytics
Sophia Antipolis IA
Sophia Antipolis: CES2021 Sensoria Analytics
Smart Tech
Smart Tech : and tomorrow ?

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Rue Claude Daunesse, le village by ca, 06560 Valbonne

sensoria analytics